ACE Refrigeration is the leading refrigeration specialist for the Catering and Food Processing industries throughout the UK.
Our teams of engineers have carried out major design and installation projects for cold rooms and freezer rooms, ice generators, chilled production facilities and blast chillers and freezers for commercial caterers, food processors, dairy companies, the fish and seafood industry, the meat business and fruit and vegetable sectors throughout the country.
Our project teams have carried out major indemnified design and installation developments for Laboratories, Clean Rooms, Freezer Rooms, Cold Rooms, Temperature Controlled Rooms, Temperature Mapping, Temperature Controlled Cabinets, Blood Fridges, Ultra Low Temperature Freezers, Raw Materials Rooms and Freeze Dryers.

We are manufacturer independent and work with customers to offer bespoke refrigeration solutions and complete turnkey packages which best meet their needs, with particular emphasis on increased energy efficiency and reduced operating costs.
Our in-house design team offer indemnified designs with a focus on energy savings of up to 25% over traditional applications, incorporating temperature monitoring systems.